Benefits of using a Dehumidifier in Indian climates

origin dehumidifier

Imagine you are living in a wonderful duplex apartment with a beautiful sea-facing view. The paint on walls and ceiling is elegantly white and the marble flooring is royal in its own way.However, this things become a little difficult after you have been living there for a while..– You suddenly witness black spots on ceilings,– your rooms start having a strange musty smell out of nowhere,– the walls marble flooring starts to sweat and get moist for no apparent reason,– furniture starts having white spots and electronics suddenly malfunctionThis is not a scenario, by the way. One of our clients actually happens to face these concerns. All the above are symptoms of high humidity in home and our client was unaware about the benefits of using a Dehumidifier in Indian climates.
But how do these problems arise? Let’s understand.
Ideal Conditions neededNormally in households, humidity conditions needed for human comfort is generally around 55% to 60%
However, our client usually keeps the Air Conditioner on the entire night. Thus, the floor, wall and ceiling surfaces become very cold. When the windows open in the morning, the warm air from the outside enters the room and meets these cold surfaces, and that leads to immediate condensation, and thus, sweating of floors, walls, ceilings , furniture and electronics.
Thus, when this moisture keeps accumulating on walls and ceiling, and after some time, it becomes breeding ground for mold and fungus, which grow over time, and, they can also become air borne and cause allergies or sickness if inhaled.
Not just that; moisture also causes white spots to grow all over the furniture and upholstery, which again are nothing but fungus and molds. They not only damage the furniture but also cause allergies and skin problems in case of human contact.
And finally, humidity may lead to tiny water droplets being formed on the circuits and inner metal surfaces of electronic items like TV, Home Theater system, etc.
Thus, when electricity passes through these moist circuits and surfaces of electronics, there is a high chance of short circuit and thus, damage to expensive electronics.
All of these happen when humidity level is consistently above 60% RH over long periods of time.
Ideal SolutionWhat we realized is that our Client was in need for an Origin Dehumidifier for regulating humidity in her Home.
Origin Home Dehumidifier and Origin Portable Mini Dehumidifier can protect electronics from moisture damage and keep them in working condition for long, by keeping humidity levels between 45% to 55%, which is ideal for human comfort

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